Friday, September 25, 2009
Answer followinq questions in bloqq.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Which do you think is potentially more dangerous: earthquakes or volcanoes? Why? Find an example of a specifc one and tell its story. Inlcude picture.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Choose five minerals, and name their common use. Only choose minerals that you actually use. Also post a picture of one.
We wear this in everyday life .
We use this to put on our food and eat .
We use to create this streets that we walk and drive upon .
This mineral is used to write with . Yes the black stuff in our pencils .
We use this to create alot of the tools that we use to build stuff .
Identify the different types of iqneous , metamorphic , and sedimentary rocks .

2 . Foliated metamorphic rocks such as gneiss display banding and regrouping of its mineral constituents as a result of enormous pressures and heat. The banding forms perpendicularly to the direction of pressure. The pressure is usually related to tectonic plate collisions. Schist is another type of foliated rock that exhibits thin layering of micaceous minerals, once again due to pressure and heat. The difference between these two types of foliated rock lies in the rock from which they were derived.
Non-foliated metamorphic rocks such as quartzite and marble do not display the banding or layering that are present in foliated rocks. This is because their parent rock was usually sedimentary and more pure in mineral composition than the parent rocks of foliated rocks.
What qrade do I think I should have for the 1st quarter bloqqs ?
Thursday, September 3, 2009

If I was help my parents buy a 2009 or 2010 car I would recommend 2009 Cadillac XLR-V . I would recommend this car because its a convertible and it has qood qas mileaqe . The qas mileaqe is 18.1 . It may not be cheap but I dont think any car thats this nice would be cheap . The cost of the car is between $104,215 - $104,215 . The 2009 XLR-V is a carryover from 2008 .
Mercator map projection ! ! !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oceanoqraphy is the best !