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Thursday, December 17, 2009

1. What are 3 scientific facts that you learned from watching Journey to the Center of the Earth?
  • I learned that Muscovite is really weak &nd you can fall through it.
  • If you drop water on magma, it will turn into evaporation.
  • The core can easily reach up to 150 degrees.

2. What are 3 things in the movie that were scientifically untrue.
  • The blue bird. There is no such thing.
  • You can't leave at the center of the Earth.
  • Dinosaurs are extinct.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What was your favorite topic that we learned about this year in Earth Science? Explain this topic.

My favorite topic that we learned this year was Astronomy. I liked it because it tells about the universe. How it was made, how many different moons there are, what's gonna happen to our Solar System. There is so many different things I could talk about, but most of all I liked all the labs &nd projects we did over time. They were really cool &nd fun.

Over the next couple of weeks, you will be working on a research assignment called the Astronomy Choice Project (ACP). Details for the assignment will

Black Holes
Black holes are end points in space that are at least 3 solar masses. Each black hole was once a star at a time. Black can suck in anything that gets in its gravitational pull. It basically crushes you once you get near it. There is at least 1 know black hole &nd they say eventually our Solar System is gonna get sucked into it.

Pluto is a dwarf planet at the end of our Solar System. It has not yet cleared its orbit. Pluto has a moon called Charon. Charon is way bigger than Pluto. Eventually they will collide into each other &nd make one big moon.

Red Giants
They say the sun is suppose to become a red giant. It will be dimmer &nd colder then the Sun. Afterwards it will eventually fall into becoming a black hole.

There are many different telescopes. The very telescope made was the Hubble telescope. Each telescope is unique in it's own way. They each do someting the others can't do.

Jupiter's Moons
Jupiter has over 64 different moons. Ganymede is Jupiter's largest moon. Each moon is differently shaped from the others. There might even be more moons. Who knows.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Bang

The Big Bang Theory attempts to explain the formation of the universe. What do you think the universe looked like before the Big Bang? What made the universe "bang?"

I think the universe looked like Protostars and Planetesimals all over. Every planet that is a planet know once was a Planetesimal. So that's what I believe, but who really knows what it looked like before.

Extrasolar Planets

1. What are the four ways astronomers can detect extrasolar planets?
Doppler Shift, Astrometric Measurement, Transit Method, &nd Gravitational microlensing.

2. Choose one of the four ways and explain it in detail.
Astrometirc Measurement is a method that depends on the slight motion of a star caused by the orbiting planet.

3. In your answer to #2 you chose one way that astronomers detect extrasolar planets. Search the Internet to find how many extrasolar planets have been detected using this method.
210 have been discovered.